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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thing #3

Blogs are a useful tool and to incorporate them in class, I might either create one specifically for class that lists extra credit assignments, or I might make the students search for specific blogs based on a topic related to the current class.
I could also have the students create their own blog and have them keep track of assignments.
Blogs could also be a group project, they could dedicate one to a specific topic related to class.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I picked the name nifty 23 things because I already have a blog called nifty crocheter and it went right along the lines of what I already have in my blogs.
It was easy creating the blog, because I already have a blog and so all I had to do was create a second blog with help from blogger and it was done.
My avatar reflects who I am inside and out. I am a very outdoorsy person and that is why I chose to be in the woods and it is dressed about the same way I dress on a day to day basis.


The habits that are the easiest for me are using technology. This one is easy for me because I always had very new technology around me as I was growing up because my mother is a translator and it required having computers, internet, and other tools related to that field.
My more difficult habit will most likely be the one with taking responsibility with learning. It will be harder for me to do because I am a procrastinator and end up backing myself against a wall of too much due at once.
I want to be able to incorporate the tools in my class as I learn about them. I am sure that I will have loads of fun "playing" and learning about new tools that will be useful to me.