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Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Which start page did you choose? Why did that one appeal to you? Will you make it your permanent home page? I choose iGoogle, because I already have a Google account and was thus able to change it easier. I might keep it because it gives me the weather and news, but have not made that decision yet.
How can the online calendars be useful to you? they can be used to keep track of ones own life, but one can also publish them so that others know what you are doing when. Personally i won't keep one just because I do not believe in sharing my personal life. I might make one for my class though when I start teaching, so that they can look up when the next test or quiz or project is. It would give the students that have internet access an easier way to keep track of when things are due.
What about the to-do lists—helpful, too much work…?
THe list seems like a good tool to use but i prefer just writing them down by hand. It is just as easy, or I just plug them into my cellphone.
Did you find a tool that has some uses for you at the school or at home? Which tool(s) would you recommend to others? I would recommend any of the pdf converters because once a file is converted into a pdf it cannot be changed and thus documents that are for students to see but not change are easily accesable.

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