* What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? the picture websites were the most fun for me
* How has this program affected your lifelong learning goals I learned about sites I didn't knew exited and became more familiar with the we in general.
* Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? not really.
* What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
find sites where one doesn't have to create an account.
* How will what you have learned influence your practice as a teacher? I will probably use a lot of this in the classroom.
* How do you plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? Recommend a way that you have found to be useful. I like to randomly google or stumble because you always find new interesting programs that way.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Now that you know about Creative Commons licensing, how will you use it in the future as a teacher?
I actually already use it to license my croceht work for personal use but as a teacher i would teach my students and also have them learn about it so that for projects they can legally use people's pictures and articles.
I actually already use it to license my croceht work for personal use but as a teacher i would teach my students and also have them learn about it so that for projects they can legally use people's pictures and articles.
I didn't really like animoto because it requires and account it would be nicer if you could at least have a trial run without the accoun attachement.
I listened to a German podcast called "die sendung mit der Maus"
I used the I tunes directory and it was super easy to use.
It hasn't really inspired me to create my own but I have definetly subscribed to it and listen to it regularly.
I used the I tunes directory and it was super easy to use.
It hasn't really inspired me to create my own but I have definetly subscribed to it and listen to it regularly.
I picked this video because Roger Cicero is a German Musician and I would probably show a video of him in class because his music is clean and fun to listen to.
Applying this to the library website would be fun becaues the library could do something like the daily book or soemthing of the sorts.
Applying this to the library website would be fun becaues the library could do something like the daily book or soemthing of the sorts.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Are you a member of any online communities? Yes, but not on Ning, I am a member of Ravelry and Crafster.Which are both art and crafts comunities where people share their projects, patterns and more.
Are any of these social networks appealing to you? Not really I looked and couldn't find any that were up my line. I am however excited about the Teacher POp and can't wait for it to be activated.
What did you find that was interesting and that you might use later? I might create a Ning network for my class and tell them to used it for school and give them credit for it.
Are any of these social networks appealing to you? Not really I looked and couldn't find any that were up my line. I am however excited about the Teacher POp and can't wait for it to be activated.
What did you find that was interesting and that you might use later? I might create a Ning network for my class and tell them to used it for school and give them credit for it.
Why is it important that educators know how social networking works? So that one can keep up with the students, but also because bullying goes further than the classroom. People bully on these sites. What new insights did you gain about these popular sites? I have had both Myspace and Facebook for years and really didn't learn much, I actually only use them to stay in touch with international friends. What did you like or dislike about each of the sites you explored? Too many applications, to much to weed through to get to what you want. Also there are too many commercials that I would consider inappropriate for younger children.Which site had the most useful features? Neither.Can you see a classroom or school application for any of these sites? Honestly not really, I would like to see them banned from schools. They seem to distract students.
Can you see the potential of this tool in the classroom?In the classroom I could use this to give the students a list of links to look at. Or even have them create their own list for a certain topic. I could have them do research and have them submit their link list to me. Or just as an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed from anywhere? This tool just made my day, because I was having issues with my bookmarks and lost alot of them for some odd reason and now I have a different way of saving them. I love it. How can teachers take advantage of social bookmarking sites? They can give eachother lists of link and through tagging they know what the links are about.
Which start page did you choose? Why did that one appeal to you? Will you make it your permanent home page? I choose iGoogle, because I already have a Google account and was thus able to change it easier. I might keep it because it gives me the weather and news, but have not made that decision yet.
How can the online calendars be useful to you? they can be used to keep track of ones own life, but one can also publish them so that others know what you are doing when. Personally i won't keep one just because I do not believe in sharing my personal life. I might make one for my class though when I start teaching, so that they can look up when the next test or quiz or project is. It would give the students that have internet access an easier way to keep track of when things are due.
What about the to-do lists—helpful, too much work…? THe list seems like a good tool to use but i prefer just writing them down by hand. It is just as easy, or I just plug them into my cellphone.
Did you find a tool that has some uses for you at the school or at home? Which tool(s) would you recommend to others? I would recommend any of the pdf converters because once a file is converted into a pdf it cannot be changed and thus documents that are for students to see but not change are easily accesable.
How can the online calendars be useful to you? they can be used to keep track of ones own life, but one can also publish them so that others know what you are doing when. Personally i won't keep one just because I do not believe in sharing my personal life. I might make one for my class though when I start teaching, so that they can look up when the next test or quiz or project is. It would give the students that have internet access an easier way to keep track of when things are due.
What about the to-do lists—helpful, too much work…? THe list seems like a good tool to use but i prefer just writing them down by hand. It is just as easy, or I just plug them into my cellphone.
Did you find a tool that has some uses for you at the school or at home? Which tool(s) would you recommend to others? I would recommend any of the pdf converters because once a file is converted into a pdf it cannot be changed and thus documents that are for students to see but not change are easily accesable.
Monday, April 20, 2009
How might you use a wiki? I would use a wiki as a collaborative searching of terms in class. I could give them a term and create a sandbox for my students and have them write their version of the correct definition, because each student understand words differently.
What did you find interesting about the wiki concept? I found it interesting that a lot of definitions are similar and that people are also helping eachother with finding the definition to the term.
What did you find interesting about the wiki concept? I found it interesting that a lot of definitions are similar and that people are also helping eachother with finding the definition to the term.
I chose Bubbl.us and Gliffy as my two charts. I like bubble because it is easy to learn and once you type in one term all the others just seem to come to you.
I liked Gliffy because you could break it down and have it flow from one level to the other. here are my two examples:

the top one is Gliffy and the bottom one is bubble. For Gliffy i used the school and went through different levels of teachers and students and classses and subjects. While in Bubblei went with the family as my topic.
I liked Gliffy because you could break it down and have it flow from one level to the other. here are my two examples:

the top one is Gliffy and the bottom one is bubble. For Gliffy i used the school and went through different levels of teachers and students and classses and subjects. While in Bubblei went with the family as my topic.
Monday, March 16, 2009
I decided that the way I would post this blog post for thing # 13 would be through typing it up in Zoho. It looks to me that it is just as easy to use a word and that it might be an alternative option for people who do not have a computer at home. They would be able to use the writer and other aspects of Zoho to do their assignments.
I can change fonts. make them Bold or in Italics or even Underline them. I can strike through words.
I can also change colors such as green or go back to black i can also change background colors and thus make the whole document more interesting.
I can even insert
images and tables
and many other things.
I can change fonts. make them Bold or in Italics or even Underline them. I can strike through words.
I can also change colors such as green or go back to black i can also change background colors and thus make the whole document more interesting.
I can even insert

and many other things.
The two Google things that I used were the Google Scholar and the Google per cell phone. I like to use Google scholar because it helps finding specific sites related to topics that are relevant to what I am studying. I have actually used it in search of sources for my Research paper. I like the Google Mobile because one can just send a text to 466453 and depending on what one enters one can receive information. One can also have Google on cellphones if one has web capabilities and the items are free.
Which method of finding feeds did you find easiest to use? The method that I thought easiest was just to use the search/browse tool that is offered by Google reader. I typed in the titles of the blogs I wanted and was able to easily subscribe to them.
Which Search tool was the easiest for you? Google's search and browse tool was the easiest for me.
Which was more confusing? Syndic8.com was confusing because I just wasn't able to find anything.
What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels? I found various feeds relating to either German or teaching or even raising children multilingual but I didn't really fin anything that would be helpful for teaching German. But I might just need to wander. I also searched fro croceht blogs since I am always looking for new patterns.
Or what kind of unusual ones did you find? The funniest blog I found is monster crochet and here the author creates some pretty gruesome and cute patterns. The other one that was pretty funny or unusual is about a woman who is American but wishes to be fluent in German.
What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds? other ways to subscribe to blogs is to just subscribe on the blog itself or using the follow button in blogger.
Which Search tool was the easiest for you? Google's search and browse tool was the easiest for me.
Which was more confusing? Syndic8.com was confusing because I just wasn't able to find anything.
What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels? I found various feeds relating to either German or teaching or even raising children multilingual but I didn't really fin anything that would be helpful for teaching German. But I might just need to wander. I also searched fro croceht blogs since I am always looking for new patterns.
Or what kind of unusual ones did you find? The funniest blog I found is monster crochet and here the author creates some pretty gruesome and cute patterns. The other one that was pretty funny or unusual is about a woman who is American but wishes to be fluent in German.
What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds? other ways to subscribe to blogs is to just subscribe on the blog itself or using the follow button in blogger.
- What do you like about RSS and newsreaders? I like that I can put all the blogs that I check everyday in one place and then I can just read through the newest posts instead of having to go back and surf around until I have found the site that I want to check.
- How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your school or personal life? I could make a public reader for my students with blogs that are interesting to them and relevant to the topic that they are studying. In my personal life this will just help me keep my blogs in order so that I can enjoy reading them easily rather than hunting for them.
- How can teachers use RSS or take advantage of this new technology? Teachers could set up a public blog reader for their students. Depending on the class or the subject they could have the students create their own blog reader and have them follow blogs that are content related to class.
Friday, March 13, 2009

i thought this was fun and it made me smile.
The reason I decided only did one is because after looking around a lot of these sites require uploads, or instant access to the webcam and that is something i will not do. The image chef is ok though because one makes signs and they would make great greetings to put on the screen in class and have the children have a nice greeting when they walk in.
The site that I played with was the big huge labs. I made a poster of my dog in a mosaic style.

Flickr mash up can be used in the school as an activity for example pick pictures related to the current vocabulary and have the students use it to create puzzles with vocab or a mosaic. The mosaic would work to create a wordfield.
I have no issues with posting pictures online because I can control which pictures I post and thus I am not worried.

Flickr mash up can be used in the school as an activity for example pick pictures related to the current vocabulary and have the students use it to create puzzles with vocab or a mosaic. The mosaic would work to create a wordfield.
I have no issues with posting pictures online because I can control which pictures I post and thus I am not worried.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

- What does "School 2.0" mean to you?
- What does it mean for schools of the future?
School 2.0 is vitally important to the future of education because children today are so linked to the web. Instead of discouragin the use of internet and computers in school it should be incorporated such as learning how to use the 2.0 tools to study, research, and make projects. How about a blog where students turn in their homework, or site where students can check in with their classmates and still be safe.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Commenting creates a sense of community because people are interacting with each other and are leaving feedback on what one another has said. It also creates a sense of community because the person that has received the comment can return -- and most do -- the favor to the initial commenter, through either commenting a reply under their own blog or on the commenter's blog.
One of the websites that was helpful to me was the 10 Commandments of blog commenting and how it emphasizes that one should be polite and basically follow the Golden rule -- treat as you would like to be treated. Another site that was helpful to me was the 10 ways of having people comment site. It taught me how to change my writing style and how to invite comments on my blog, such as "inviting comments by asking for them."
I commented on several blogs and the first one I commented on was Terri's because I remembered her showing me some of the Things she had done and how excited she was. I decided to comment specifically on one of the images because I was curious how she had done it and because I like it a lot. The second blog of interest to me was Amelia's blog because she incorporated her personal life and I was able to relate to things that she had to say. I also decided to comment on Lisa Jordan's space because I decided I would see what she had to say. The specific post I commented on was related to foreign languages and it relates to my plans of wanting to be a language teacher. I also commented on skybluesue's blog just because I thought her change of process of uploading the avatar was kind of interesting and something that I should've thought of since I am always online. I also commented on Jeanies blog because her experience with flickr and snapfish were interesting and I can say that I have played with both of them. Plus I just wanted to tell her that her pictures were too adorable.
The two blogs I commented on that were not related to the class were Dishcloth Diaries and Planet June.
One of the websites that was helpful to me was the 10 Commandments of blog commenting and how it emphasizes that one should be polite and basically follow the Golden rule -- treat as you would like to be treated. Another site that was helpful to me was the 10 ways of having people comment site. It taught me how to change my writing style and how to invite comments on my blog, such as "inviting comments by asking for them."
I commented on several blogs and the first one I commented on was Terri's because I remembered her showing me some of the Things she had done and how excited she was. I decided to comment specifically on one of the images because I was curious how she had done it and because I like it a lot. The second blog of interest to me was Amelia's blog because she incorporated her personal life and I was able to relate to things that she had to say. I also decided to comment on Lisa Jordan's space because I decided I would see what she had to say. The specific post I commented on was related to foreign languages and it relates to my plans of wanting to be a language teacher. I also commented on skybluesue's blog just because I thought her change of process of uploading the avatar was kind of interesting and something that I should've thought of since I am always online. I also commented on Jeanies blog because her experience with flickr and snapfish were interesting and I can say that I have played with both of them. Plus I just wanted to tell her that her pictures were too adorable.
The two blogs I commented on that were not related to the class were Dishcloth Diaries and Planet June.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thing #3
Blogs are a useful tool and to incorporate them in class, I might either create one specifically for class that lists extra credit assignments, or I might make the students search for specific blogs based on a topic related to the current class.
I could also have the students create their own blog and have them keep track of assignments.
Blogs could also be a group project, they could dedicate one to a specific topic related to class.
I could also have the students create their own blog and have them keep track of assignments.
Blogs could also be a group project, they could dedicate one to a specific topic related to class.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I picked the name nifty 23 things because I already have a blog called nifty crocheter and it went right along the lines of what I already have in my blogs.
It was easy creating the blog, because I already have a blog and so all I had to do was create a second blog with help from blogger and it was done.
My avatar reflects who I am inside and out. I am a very outdoorsy person and that is why I chose to be in the woods and it is dressed about the same way I dress on a day to day basis.
It was easy creating the blog, because I already have a blog and so all I had to do was create a second blog with help from blogger and it was done.
My avatar reflects who I am inside and out. I am a very outdoorsy person and that is why I chose to be in the woods and it is dressed about the same way I dress on a day to day basis.
The habits that are the easiest for me are using technology. This one is easy for me because I always had very new technology around me as I was growing up because my mother is a translator and it required having computers, internet, and other tools related to that field.
My more difficult habit will most likely be the one with taking responsibility with learning. It will be harder for me to do because I am a procrastinator and end up backing myself against a wall of too much due at once.
I want to be able to incorporate the tools in my class as I learn about them. I am sure that I will have loads of fun "playing" and learning about new tools that will be useful to me.
My more difficult habit will most likely be the one with taking responsibility with learning. It will be harder for me to do because I am a procrastinator and end up backing myself against a wall of too much due at once.
I want to be able to incorporate the tools in my class as I learn about them. I am sure that I will have loads of fun "playing" and learning about new tools that will be useful to me.
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